
Week One Stats?!?! Really?

I believe I have found away around a huge, and annoying, techincal issue with the Yahoo site and now have begun to churn the butter.  Let me know if you see any errors along the way.

I can't fully convey how crazy busy I have been of late but know that I am as eager as everyone for stats to get out and get out soon.  Now that I have this big issue resolved it is simply a question of inputting line-ups (which I am working on doing now - as it is far more enjoyable than what they pay me to do).  Hopefully we should be caught up in very short order.

Again, please check your mileage - no body should know your stats better than you so please double check ASAP so we can correct my errors or (shudder) errors in the spreadsheet right away.  Thanks again everyone for your patience.

Doug the Stats Guy


  1. I hate to be a parade-rainer, but my tally for week one was 19.81-ish.

  2. oh corey.

    happy stats are out

  3. Hi Corey:

    Thanks. The issue was the pts I had for your (and everyone else's) goaltending.

    Got it now and when I repost you will see that I have the you at 19.81pts.

    Thanks again for the help.



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