
An Update On Stats

Hi Gang,

I was hoping to start putting out the "Official Stats" as of this morning but the past week of working with the spreadsheet has finally exposed why I have been stymied in my efforts to replace the annoyingly unreliable CBSsportsline source with the far more reliable Yahoo.com.

I won't bore you with a long history of my spreadsheet but suffice it to say that a few years ago EPSN and the NHL sites moved from being able to copy and paste the entire list of players (and pts, pim and +/-, and the goalie equivilants) to only being able to do this for 15-25 players at a time.  This change made the difference between a single copy and paste to 25+ copies and paste.  Big change so I looked for an alternative.  For some reason I wasn't able to get Yahoo to work for me so I went with CBSsportsline, and it worked quite well, most of the time, but would frequently be delayed - sometimes for days at a time - whenever American holidays (or Super Bowl Coverage) clearly preoccupied the good people at the CBSsportsline IT department.  Frustration was frequent so I committed to doing what was needed to get Yahoo to work.

Last week I found out why Yahoo had been causing me such grief - the selfish bastards at Yahoo it want to so I can't do exactly what I have wanted to do all along.

Yahoo enters the player names into the first column of stats with a "space" before the name.  That little addition is enough to trip up the Vlookup function that I have been using all these years on my spreadsheet.  Now it doesn't do it all the time (not sure why that is) but does it enough that I will need to manually take a space away from each name (or at least each name that we need - approximately 216 names each calculations plus any +/- players).  So much for saving me time :-(  Once done, the problem is fixed but it probably makes the daily stats less likely, though I should be able to get the weekly stats done once we are all set up and ready to go.

Long story short - I'm working on it and I appologize for the delay.


  1. Thanks Doug! Sorry to hear about the pain of doing all this. Arggghhh.

  2. Doug...

    No apologies.

    Line-up awaiting on the Blog!


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