
Waiver Drafts and Waiver Wires...

Waiver Drafts


During week 9 = Sat, Dec 3 around 19 am mst place tba or skype...seems to the consensus


During Week 19 = Sat, Feb 11 same time seems to be the consensus.

By the way, the NHL trade deadline is FEB 27 meaning the FUNHL traded is the monday lineups are due a week after FEB 27th.

Waiver Wire

Rule 25 Plain Language version will be written to clarify issues.


Hi Cam,

Thanks for the endorsement of my interpretation.

There was some suggestion that we may want to revisit the waiver-wire rules in the off season and that may be a good idea but for now, thanks everyone for chipping in while I’ve been away. I normally don’t have the stats going until about week 4 but this year I will be a bit behind – sorry. That said, thanks Brian for helping out as you have been. I can say that I have been able to get the stats captured on time from Yahoo so once the spreadsheet is up and running I should have the right data to include, which is good, and hopefully we won’t have the same problems that we had last year with CBSportsline.com

One suggestion that Bob made that I want to put out there to also think about for next year would be changing the week start from Mondays to Wednesdays. We have Mondays as our week start because that was the “start” of the week when the stats would come out in the paper on Tuesday – as of Sunday evening. Talk about a relic from the past. Given that Mondays are frequently holidays with games starting in at noon, the idea of moving the start of the FunHL week to the middle of the week so that weekend injury updates are out, work holidays don’t interfere with internet access, NHL schedules line-up, etc. makes some sense to me and I just wanted to float the idea now so it doesn’t get lost.

Anyhow, up to my eyeballs in the work that I had left behind but wanted to pop in and let you know that I have survived my trip and look to get cracking on the stats here ASAP.


Douglas McLachlan
Barrister and Solicitor
Family Law Office - Edmonton
Direct Line: 780-427-4139

Note: This e-mail address is not a valid address for service pursuant to Rule 11.21 of the Alberta Rules of Court. If you need to serve legal documents on the Family Law Office, as lawyer of record, please do so by courier, recorded mail or fax.

From: Cameron Hilton [mailto:cameron.a.hilton@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 3:11 PM
To: Doug McLachlan
Cc: Collin Sanderson; Brian Wansleeben; Bob Chaudhuri; Cameron Hilton; Chris Erickson; Corey Milne; Darrell Mann; Dan Ross; Doug McLachlan; Mike Breakenridge; Mike Getta; Rob Woods
Subject: Week 3 Stats + Waiver wire results

Ok, I think I have a grip on this now having read Doug's explanation below:

- Dan gets both Filpulla and Gagne, as he bid on both and is the lowest team in the standings, and as such conditional bids aren't necessary given both players bid on are at different positions.

- Collin gets Steen (only bidder)

- The DC should review the language of the covenant on this issue and make a clarification reccomendation to be voted upon at next Entry draft.

- Given I and Doug are on the Dc (as statistician) barring an objection from Bob (unlikely based on my conversation with him the other night), or Mike Getta, the third member (sic). the DC effectively endorses Doug's evaluation/reading of the relevant rules on the matter. If there is an objection to his interpretation please let me know asap.

- Thanks should go to Brian for handling the waiver wire/stats in Doug's absence, and for his dilligence in trying to follow a tricky set of rules.



On Tuesday, October 25, 2011, Doug McLachlan wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I think the confusion, while understandable, comes not for the waiver wire rule per se but from the rule on conditional waiver wire bids and an unfortunately drafted example.
> Essentially the conditional bid rule doesn't enter into it for Dan (but does for Collin re his conditional bid for Steen).
> As I read the rule there is on LWer being bid upon, Gagne, and the Great Whites get him. Simple.
> At center there are multiple bids for multiple players (Filpulla and Steen) so the conditional rules may come into play here - though since there is only one bid on Steen it actually doesn't matter. Again the GW's get Filpulla and, as the only bid, the Edge get Steen. No the Bladerunners do not win a bid here.
> The rule would have come into play had the Bladerunners put in a bid on Steen ahead of their bid for Filpulla - gaining his rights while everyone is squabbling over Filpulla, but not a factor here.
> Clear as mud, right?
> I think the rule is clear but the "clarification" example does just the opposite so I am agreed that we want to redraft this.
> Tired and dazed in Seattle now but should be home in a few more hours. Talk with you all soon.
> Doug
> Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
> Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

Any thoughts or comments on these issue please post here. Especially with respect to the upcoming WD1

Thank you,

Bob for the DC

1 comment:

  1. yes 19 is a typo for 10

    and yes too much information

    oh well

    better for transparency


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