
Playoff Pool Revised...

This is a very simple playoff pool I'm setting up for those who are interested. Let's say, $20 entry fee, and you can submit as many teams as you wish. Depending on # of Entries, either Winner takes All or Winner takes Most and second gets entry fee back...

Points are as follows: 1G=1Pt; 1A=1Pt; Goalie Win =2Pt; Goalie Shutout = 3Pt; Goalie OTL=1PT; Goalie Loss(REG)=0Pt

Deadline for entry has been moved back to Friday, April 15th, at 6:00 PM MST.

Rules: Pick 16 Forwards, 8 defense men, and 2 goalies. NO Limitations on number of players (including defense and goalies) per playoff team. You can pick From any Conference, Western or Eastern -- it's up to you. If you want only WSH and VAN players - your choice. The match-ups, so that everyone knows for round one, is as follows:

In the East, it's WSH v NYR, PHI v BUF, BST v MTL, and PIT v TBL
In the West, it's VAN v CHI, SJS v LAK, DET v PHX, and ANA v NSH

Choose your teams. You can post them on the blog but please also send them to my email at b0bc@yahoo.com

Thanks. Take care and I hope many of you take part.


  1. I'm in and my roster has been submitted to you Bob.

  2. Submitted a team as well - where's the spreadsheet, huh? huh? ;-)

  3. 11 entries...spreadsheet coming

  4. 10 entries , sorry, spreadseet emailed out...


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