

First off congratulations to Chris on his Triple Crown!

I was in conversation with Bob the other day, and I believe Chris is the first new GM to win the Cup since I got my first in 1999-2000.

I am also saddened by the news that Richard will not be looking to renew his relationship with the Lost Boys moving forward - but that sadness is softened by the knowledge that we are regaining Mike B for his 2nd tour of duty.

So a fond farewell to the Lost Boys, and a hearty welcome back to the Barbarians!

As you can probably tell, I have made some adjustments to the blog;

- Gone are the links to 'FUNHL Documents'. The truth is that I can't update them with any regularity, and I have deep suspicions that they are hardly ever accessed - if ever. My recommendation is that our resident FUNHL Historians (Brian, Doug) send out an annual update of the FUNHL history and revised Covenant. Brian would then continue to e-mail updated Master lists to us as they are completed. All of which would make having them on the blog both redundant and time consuming.

- I have also removed the 'NHL Action' video links. They make load times for the blog longer, and as far as I can tell nobody was using them to actually watch video highlights - so rather than waste the space, I just got rid of them.

- Most likely to be noticed is the cleanup/adjustments to our blog roll. Gone are 'Hockey Buzz', a truly worthless site run by rumour monger 'Eklund'. It was heavy on video links and advertising which made it excruciating to load, and what actual content it provided was such thin gruel they quickly became my least favourite linked site - so buh-bye. Also gone is the link to Mike Chen's blog. Once upon a time James Myrtle ran it and it was excellent, and when Mike took over it remained 'ok', but lost most of its appeal for me. In the last month the blog was moved to become part of the SB Nations sports blogs, and frankly lost all its charm. I still like Mike Chen, but not enough to wade through the crap I need to to find him. Also gone is 'Melt your Face-off', a comedy blog that had run out of anything funny to say.

If anyone is missing these blogs, and wants them back, just let me know and I'll re-add them.

- Added to the list are;

James Mirtle - Leaf's Beat. He's an awesome hockey writer trapped covering the Leafs.

The Dreger Report - Darren Dreger's TSN blog is a topical and smart overview of everything NHL, and as an added bonus, its updated daily.

Elliotte Friedman - he was added a while back at Doug's request (thanks Doug!), and while he only posts once or twice a week, his Monday column of '30 Thoughts' is simply a must read.

Down Goes Brown - hockey humour is a tough gig, but this guy was the person behind the 'fake' Brian Burke twitter feed (which was screamingly funny). He now runs his own DGB site which is good for a chuckle whenever you need one.

THN's 'Hot List' - Each week The Hockey News does thumbnail reviews of top prospects that have caught their eye, very useful when putting together your prospect lists.

Last but not least, you should notice that our banner has changed to reflect the Scourge victory. If you don't like it all you have to do is win next years pool to get it changed.


  1. Thanks Cam, the new banner looks much better now :)

    Usually once per season i tried the links to the master and was disapointed and had to search my email for the most current copy.

    Is it possible to add some sort of twitter feed for mckenzie, dreger, lebrun?

  2. Nicely done Cameron - Finally, No More Eklund...

  3. Belated Congrats Chris!!! Sorry, this has been a crazy week. Neat - a new Predator Cup winner and triple crown winner. Guys like Rob, Collin and Mike G are being berated by their fans but hey, not your problem :-). Good job with drafting an awesoome team, making astute lineup decisions and monster trades. Couldn't compete with you in trade dept - you had a very neat Jedi mindhold on Bob, Cam and Corey that couldn't be matched!

    There is no embargo on trade talk - it absolutely baffles me that we haven't been able to make a trade in past 4 yes!! Oh well, there's always next season

    cheers and enjoy being Champ



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