
The Fat Goalie Fallacy

Some of you may know that I am a huge fan of the political blogger Andrew Sullivan. I've been reading him for more than ten years now, and have on occasion written to him on a variety of topics (Canada's military, the difference between invading Afghanistan vs Iraq, etc.). Till now the only occasion I've ever recieved a response was on a note I wrote to him about his obsession with Sarah Palin - which was a bit like getting a reply from your favourite rock star to a fan letter.

I say till now because on Friday he posted (anonymously) my response to a post he had discussing the insane proposition that an obese goaltender could change hockey.

The link to my comments he published is here.

I'm the 2nd commenter who calls it the 'fat goalie fallacy'.

Sullivan gets a million plus hits a day, so this single comment just became the most widely read thing I've ever written - by a wide margin.


  1. That's very cool Cam - and I agree with your comments... would be funny to prove the theory wrong though and hold a game with two "fat non-athlete goalies" vs professional players.

  2. Very cool - though would be nice to get credit other than "puckhead"! :-)
    Maybe a future as a sports writer?

  3. Extra Cool Cameron!!! Hooray!

    You have a future as a sports writer as Dan prophesizes...


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