
Just as a Reminder

WD2 is occurring on Saturday, Feb 5th, between 12:30 and 1:00 MST. If you are a Skype user please have that organized so that we can promptly start at 1 o'clock.

Mike, you asked a question, I give you answers.

Courtesy of Bob for the DC


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. PLEASE REMEMBER: FINAL due FEB 4th at 6pm MST...

  3. My computer still won't allow me to 'talk' on Skype but I can listen + also type on it. Can also go on MSN.

    Any Calgarians (or Calgary wannabes such as Nantonians) want to meet up for beer / beer + food after the draft?

  4. Thanks for the answer Bob!! I will also be on skype but not talking. I'd love to get together after the draft but it will depend on what time we end. I'm busy from 6 on.

  5. I would love to talk shop after the WD, but plans with the family after the draft do not allow for it.


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