
Week 16 Gets Underway

Hey, stats out on the first day of the new week. Pretty good if I do say so myself.

Note I've been having some problems with a discrepency between what the Barbarians goaltending is calculated at under the "this week" vs "last week" totals. The "last week" total is the correct one but for a couple of weeks now Mike's total has inexplicably "dropped" from Monday to Tuesday. Not sure why this was happening but I think I have corrected it. Still could you keep a eye open Mike (or others) to see if the total looks off from this week to next - thanks.

To everyone who has been posting the line-ups to the blog, thanks. It really helps to get the stats out quicker. Darrell, thanks for a season of (almost) no changes - that really helps.

Corey, I really would stop it with the +/- stuff - too risky, at least for everyone else :-)

1 comment:

  1. I'll try to keep an eye on that. Thanks for noticing!!


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