
Knights Have Big Night On Wednesday As Bladerunners Inch Towards 300pts


  1. How is it that I have a whopping night last night, and my Omnivore total goes down?

    I find it hard to believe my benched and/or traded players are out-producing my active roster.

    Do we need to review the way the Omnivore is calculated? Is it actually working?

  2. I don't have my spreadsheet in front of me but from looking at the totals here I can speculate what happened. First off, your Omnivore didn't change at all from Tue to Wed - both your team and baseline had a great night but since all your high pointing players (everyone in Van, Rinne, etc) were on both your active line-up AND your baseline, your Omnivore doesn't change. Remember that the Omnivore compares what you play with what you could have played if you had chosen your optimal line-up at the start of the year (with the foresight to know exactly how they would do during the year).

    The drop happened from Mon to Tue. I recall that you traded Mr. Backes away and he had a pretty good night earlier this week. His points were "played" by your baseline but NOT by your active line-up - an Omnivore negative. Bob, conversely, would get the benefit of those extra points that his baseline wouldn't get credit for.

    Make sense?


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