
Week 8 Stats Now Out


  1. Apparently I'm having a dumb moment - What is the point breakdown for the Challenge Cup? 2 pts for a win, 1 for a tie? The totals don't seem to make sense to me...

    BTW Doug thanks for keeping up the flow of stats!!!

  2. LOL.

    My work life and life life are really impacting on my pool life.

    Yes, I had done the pts up but didn't adjust the W-L-T tables. Corrected now.

    No worries about the stats. Best part of my day of late - well, except when I see where I am sitting.

  3. Holy crap - look at the Wolves stats so far on the week! I don't like this, I don't like this at all.

  4. I'll be listening for the 'you're an asshole Brian' comment from Rob the moment he reads above ;-)

  5. I know I don't like it I'm playing him this week!!!

  6. Hey I am allowed to have the odd good week. It is about time my players start performing. I have spotted the bunch of you enough points

  7. Doug,

    Did you get my phone message changing my line-up...benching Antropov and playing Filppula at Centre after our trade?



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