
Week 8 Ends With Bladerunners Leading Predator and Challenge Cup Standings; Vendetta Top Omnivore. WD1 Draft Order Set.

Hi guys, I (your rules guru) need a reminder - hopefully with a link to a previous post - on the rules surrounding Challenge Cup ties. The Challenge Cup rules were never put into the Covenant (an oversight I will remember to propose we correct next summer) but when we introduced ties a few years back I can't remember whether it was phrased that a tie was a difference of "less that one point" or something different slightly different. I'm pretty sure that exactly one point more, as the Severed Heads scored over the Edge this week, is enough for a win but I don't want to cost Collin a point on account of my bad memory. If someone remembers differently - and can forward me the e-mail or blog post where it is set out that would be great.

UPDATE: Thanks to Bob who corrected me. The Severed Heads and Edge actually tie and that change has now been made to the Challenge Cup standings.


  1. Dear Doug,

    Thanks for your help, though I did notice that while I got the points, I didn't get a win credit in the challenge cup. Not a big deal I guess, cause my points are proper on the predator. Regardless we do have our WD1 draft list. Yay!

  2. Doug,

    In terms of your Challenge Cup Question, A Tie was defined as "being the difference between two team's weeks and head-to-head score by one point or less." In the case of Collin and Cameron, who are separated by exactly one point, they would then be considered tied. There is precidence in past Challenge Cup rulings, I believe. In this case, the Severed Heads have 37.90 points and the Edge have 36.90 -- ergo, this would be a tie by the definition stated above. One point or less.

  3. Hey Bob,


    Will change the result here back to a tie and will double check your win/loss in your game - which I thought I had done correctly.


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