
The Wolves

L: Elias-NJ, Smyth-LA, Malone-TBay RFA, Brunette-Min RFA, Paajarvi-Edm P3, Wheeler-Bos P3

Rating: 2.5

Elias is no longer the ppg+ scoring machine he was earlier in his career as injuries and disease have sapped some of his zip, but he's still an adequate first line option. Smyth is steadily showing the wear and tear of all the hard miles he's put on his chassis. He could be a 50+ point guy if he can stay healthy all season, but that is a big if. Malone is a nice blend of scoring and toughness, and could easily supplant Smyth on the depth chart. Brunette is one of those guys who gets constantly overlooked because he lacks flash and plays for a vanilla team, that said, he put up 60 points last year, and the Wild haven't developed any better options at the wing yet. Paajarvi is one of the three wunderkind in Edmonton, and the one with the best chance of sticking to a top line because of his speed, and better developed game. If he starts off hot he could be promoted rapidly. Wheeler is a 6'5" 220lb enigma, capable of Rick Nash like magical stickhandling one minute and Chris Angel vanishing the next. If he could ever become the sum of his tools look-out, but the fact is he appears to have lost his toolbox.

C: Toews-Chi FP, Paveski-SJ, Peverley-Atl RFA, Giroux-Pha RFA, Backlund-Cgy P3, Berglund-StL P3, Hodgson-Vcr P3

Rating: 2.5

Toews showed in the playoffs and Olympics that he can be an all-round monster capable of over a ppg offense and smothering defense. That said, he has yet to reach those kinds of offensive heights during the regular season - and this year will be the acid-test. Pavelski also had a massive playoffs this year, and has claimed the 2nd line center role in San Jose. Is there a 60+ pt season in him? Remains to be seen. Peverley is a slick and clever pivot toiling without decent wingers in Atlanta, and should be an average 3rd liner. Giroux is the real hope for the team as his play in Philly hinted at lots of offensive upside for the sparkplug. Not inconceivable that he might displace one of the guys ahead of him and get an active role. Backlund has an enormous opportunity to prove he can be a top six forward as the Flames are seriously thin at center to start the year. He's been groomed slowly (painfully at times) but shows flashes of both speed and offensive skill that are sorely needed. Berglund has all the tools to be an impact center, but has actually regressed rather badly over the last two seasons and is quickly slipping down the depth chart. Hodgson is now the most promising pivot prospect on the team, but he is gradually recovering from a serious back injury that wiped out his last season, and he has tough competition ahead of him (Henrik Sedin, Ryan Kesler) for top six minutes. None of the three are likely to make a splash for the Wolves this year, and that means time is running out on all of them.

R: Alfreddson-Ott, Eriksson-Dal, Burrows-Vcr, Setoguchi-SJ RFA

Rating: 3

Alfie was once again a ppg winger for the Sens, and he'll be counted on to reproduce those results again. Eriksson found excellent chemistry with Richards in Dallas and is now a solid just sub ppg winger (70-ish) perfect for the 2nd line. Burrows had a breakout season last year in Vancouver setting career highs across the board - including PIM as he meshed with the Twins to form a lethal trio. Unfortunately he is also still injured and there is no telling when his game will get fully back on track. Setoguchi is a speedy responsible winger who suffered through a series of nagging injuries last season that cost him his spot on the top two lines. He's got lots of upside to reach the 30 goal, 60+ pt plateau again, and should be a nice fill-in till Burrows returns.

D: Phaneuf-Tor FP, Greene-NJ, White-Cgy RFA, Niskanen-Dal RFA, Ballard-Vcr RFA, Fistric-Dal RFA, Wisniewski-NYI RFA, Sutton-Ana RFA, Hedman-TBay P3, Pieterangelo-StL P3, Gilroy-NYR P2

Rating: 2.5

Phaneuf had another 'off' year, reaching only 36 pts and not showing Toronto fans the ability to take over games he flashed in his years in Calgary. So of course the Leafs made him Captain. A bounce-back season to 50+pts and 120+PIM is essential for the Wolves to be competitive this year. Greene came out of nowhere to become the NJ powerplay QB, but the flaws are obvious - like the fact he plays in NJ. Another 30-35 pt season is probably in the cards for him, but more would be exceptional. White has the offensive tools to post in the 40's, and Calgary will be counting on him to earn his next contract. Niskanen, Ballard, Fistric, Wisniewski and Sutton are all candidates to be waived in favour of one or more of the Wolves D-man prospects. Hedman is a coke-machine on skates with excellent skating and offensive ability. He's just a puppy though, and needs to grow into the dominant role he seems destined to fulfill. Sooner or later the light will go on. Pieterangelo has had a terrific year getting spot duty for StLouis and playing for the Canadians at the WJC. A big mobile rearguard he has all the tools to be a #1 defender. Still has kinks to iron out of his game (it was his pinch that cost the Canadians the 2 on 1 goal by Carlson in the gold medal game), but could easily earn a promotion if he gets regular pp time. Gilroy was a bit of a bust in NYR, as the highly sought after free-agent jumped to the Rangers with a glowing college resume only to flounder upon arrival. Still has a nice set of tools, but caution on his offensive ceiling is warranted.

G: Fleury-Pit, Niemi-SJ RFA

Rating: 3.5

Fleury only posted 74 points last year making him a marginal starting caliber goaltender for the FUNHL. In contrast Niemi had an excellent season for the Hawks, but is no splitting time in SJ with Niitymaki. He could claim the top job their, and if he does, he could also knock Fleury out of his starting role for the Wolves.

Total: 14

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