
Some info out of ED2010 to note, DC, WDs etc

Greetings from the DC:

Well congrats to Mike Getta for filling the 3rd DC vacancy. Yes - VERY highly sought after [sarcasm abound].

DC consists of Cameron in Lethbridge, Bob in Thunder Bay and Mike Getta in Nanton.

Mike Breakenridge and his Barbarians returned to fill Richard's The Lost Boys one year break.

Skype and MSN for A RECORD FIVE GMs not physically present at the 2010 ED! Still Seven GMs ENJOYED the GENEROUS hospitality of Collin and Colleen! Of Course, Thanks to statsguy- Doug

WD1 was set for Dec 5th (a sunday) or Dec 11 (a sat) tho` the group leaned forward the 1st date. KEEP THEM IN MIND.

WD2 was set for Sat Feb 5th or Sat Feb 11. As we get our daytimers set, Pls Keep these Weekends in mind.

The Trade Deadline is usually the 1st monday lineups after the nhl trade deadline. Usually the 2nd Mon in March.

I look forward to Cam, Brian and Doug draft dissection which I suspect is forthcoming.

The Draft is Over - Line-ups due Wed night - Let the Season begin. Drop the Puck and Watch your Head...


  1. FYI Dec 11th weekend is a total No-Go for me, would need to be sunday the 5th as discussed at ED, and ideally not first thing

  2. Sunday the 5th was good with everyone so let' stick to that. I agree with late morning MST start as I think our Christmas party will be the night before. Sorry Rob - such are the sacrifices of abandoning us all to live in NS ;-)

  3. Oh ya, and welcome Mike to the esteemed DC! Remind me again what your favorite beer is in case of any dispute involving the Bladerunners.

  4. My favorite beer is...SCOTCH


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