
Severed Heads Poised To Win Record Fourth Predator Cup!

All three of the standard oracles - the Hockey News Ultimate Pool Guide, the Score Forecaster and McKeen's Hockey Pool Yearbook - have looked at the FunHL rosters, cast their chicken bones and made an unassailable assessment of the top dressing line-up for each team (for McKeen's last year's goalie stats were used). When the mist cleared, one clear cut champion emerged - Cam Hilton's Severed Heads.

According to the Hockey News and McKeen's, the victory came over the defending champion Bladerunners. According to the Score, the win was over the Shadowmen.

Severed Heads GM Cam Hilton reportedly attributed the predictions of dominance to a team-wide commitment to prompt drafting and an utter disregard for injury reports. "You can't simply type these names in with your nose," Hilton explained to baffled reporters. All three guides felt that the injuries to Marc Savard, Mark Streit, Chris Pronger, Oli Jokinen and Sami Salo (as well as the issues surrounding Sheldon Souray's status) would be of little consequence to the Head's eventual victory. Some commentators felt that the guides may have gone to print prior to these facts coming to light but that really goes against the direction of this article so start planning the parade route in Lethbridge as the Predator Cup is going to southern Alberta.

The guides were a little more conflicted as to who would "win" the Herbivore with both the Hockey News and Score tabbing the Wolves to finish last while McKeen's felt that the Ramapithicines would be the eventual basement dwellers.

Confirmation of these predictions begins on Thursday - drop the puck.


  1. Not sure the Jokinen injury warrants inclusion, or that Salo would make an active roster, but the Streit and Savard picks will certainly throw things off!

    Do prospects count? I can see my team replacing most, if not all, Streit's production with John Carlson.

  2. Yes, prospects count but Carlson's numbers may already be included (along with Streit) in your top 6 D depending on the guide.

    All in all, a very impressive draft for you Cam - seriously, I think in part because of your uncharacteristicly strong d, even discounting the injuries.

    Yes, the Jokinen thing was just piling on.

  3. So these numbers come from the best active roster available from all 30 players on each team? How do you score goalies and +/-, not to mention TG?

  4. The Hockey News and the Score provide predictions for GP and GAA - for which I then calculate FunHL pts predictions - but McKeen's doesn't so (as I say in the post) I used last season's totals.

    This does NOT include TG or +/- so the Great Whites are clearly challenging the leaders, I am sure.

  5. Wow...who cares?

    Tho' I'm impressed with Collin's opening salvo.

    But really, we'll see the mags drop off fast...with what Dan said and the inevitable trades that are coming our way and injury gods pass over whom etc...

    In the end, there will be only one.

  6. Last year those darn mags also pegged me to finish in 2nd place. I hope they're right again this year!! ;-)


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