
Rule Proposal 10

Cannot work with #9.....

All teams get one chip in the lottery.


  1. Also a perfectly valid option.

    Though if we are going to go equally random, why have the lottery for choice of slot and not simply have the lottery for the slot?

  2. You guys make my brain hurt.

  3. This makes your brain hurt?!

    This is drawing lots to see who goes first.

    My gods, this is the most brain-pain free proposal this league has ever seen, Cam.

  4. Sure and next year someone will propose that we weight the lottery to increase competitiveness.

    And the year after that we will propose that we weight the lottery using a boolean regression to maximize fairness.

    The year after that someone will propose that a straight order of finish for choice be adopted.

    The following year we'll remove the choice factor and go with straight order of finish.

    Then, someone will eventually propose that we go to a lottery, maybe one that gives the best statistical chance to the highest finishing team to select their slots. And maybe we could use chips, and a Royal crown bag...

    At which point I will pull out a can of gasoline and a table cloth, and set myself on fire

  5. lol ;-)

    Haven't had time to make any posts the past while due to monster hours at work + a couple of vacations out of town (the two are correlated). Have caught up on reading all the rule proposals and comments. Ya, brain pain is right.

  6. Rule Proposal number 10 came after the proposal deadline [the 15th of August] and will not be included in the voting - though i can not force the funhl from voting for against rule...eg i like prop 9 so i will vote for that.

    as dfarrell has not spoken to his nomination to the DC, other GMs can still nominate others.

    please everyone vote [ yes mike breakenridge this means you too] and please vote by Sept 4th ie before labour day weekend and send your replies to me at b0bc@yahoo.com or to cam at severedheads@shaw.ca

    thank you all...

  7. For voting purposes, can you please post a list of proposals (without redundancy hence some will need to be combined, and a method determined for how to settle decisions with multiple competing proposals (especially the lottery options, as stacking 3-4 options head to head, we can't simply use the majority rule) or rules on how many options can be supported by one GM).

    That way we can submit votes on the list all at once?


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