
Rule Change Proposal #3

Revised after some excellent discussion:

I would like to blend some of the ideas proposed - I think the "activity" reward is too cumbersome to track, but the H2H reward is being tracked anyway for the Challenge Cup. So here we go:

Initial chips (baseline) based on final finishing order as follows:
First place - 12 chips, through to Last place - 1 chip

Earned chips - over the course of the season, a team earns an extra chip for every H2H win in the H2H regular season (Playoffs are rewarded with the Challenge Cup, and only include partial teams hence they are excluded)

This way a team can improve their odds for the draft lottery right up until the last 6 weeks, which should mean right up to the trade deadline for practical purposes, which will hopefully motivate them to do as well as possible for as long as possible


  1. In theory a great variation, however in practice you actually dilute the effect.

    There are 20 weeks in a FunHL Challenge Cup Regular Season Schedule - maximum of 6 winners every week (as we do allow for ties) for a total of 198 additional chips to the 78 we already add to the bag of fate.

    Right now finishing first (as proposed without the HtH component) gives you 12 chips out of 78 or a 15.38% chance of getting the first choice. Under this proposal, winning all 20 weeks (something no team has yet done) and finishing first would give you 32 of 198 chips or a 16.16% chance. Slight improvement, but only marginally so, where as if you won 3/4 of your games - as Brian did this year - you would have 27/198 chips or a 13.64% chance, less than now.

    Finish last (as proposed without the HtH component) and you get one chip out of 78 or a 1.28% chance. Finish last and have a horrible Challenge Cup season (The Wolves had only 4 wins) and you get 5/198 or 2.53% chance of getting the first choice.

    Is this what you are intending Dan?

  2. For the sake of my sanity, and Dan's body, we should just do away with chips physicaly and go to a point system.

    I also feel there is no need to have an initial baseline of anything more than ZERO chips (points).

    We can simply start this upcoming season with a ZERO balance. Each H2H win gets you ONE point. In the case of an absolute tie, each team gets a point. Lossers get ZERO points.

    At years end, we pick slots based on points, highest picks first, lowest picks last. In the event there are ties, they are decided by mortal combat. Kidding. Ties would be decided with,

    A) Most straight out victories.

    B) Highest Predator Cup points in a week. eg. I had a week with 55.893 pnts and Brian had a week with 55 pnts. Victory goes to me.

    C) Highest FP points during season.

    D) Best Goalie points during season.

    I think the chances of using C or D is unlikely.

  3. I don't know if that was a proposal or not. Please frame the idea in terms of a proposal. I agree with Doug in terms of his statistics. One idea could be as simple as whoever finishes first gets the most chips, whoever finishes last gets one, but I'm not going to start suggesting rules. From what I've seen so far though, I don't like what we have right now.

  4. Richard's notion of rewarding chips based on relative points rather than standing seems like a better means of motivating GMs to compete until the end. Assuming that's what we want the slot selection to reward, that is.

  5. I also prefer the Richard variant to the mike variant for the lottery.

  6. We are now double rewarding victory. Each year three of the top 4 teams are in the challenge cup thus the most wins. You give them the most chips for overall standings and the most chips for most wins in H2H. Do not like this at all.


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