
Draft dilemma

Hey all,

So when we booked the ED, I knew it was on my Dad's birthday, but he has always been very minimalist about celebrations, so I felt safe being able to be free by dinnertime after the draft. Also other GMs' conflicts for other dates seemed more major.

Ironically, my Dad has decided to propose a more extensive plan for his birthday, which now poses more of a conflict. While I can still attend on-line, I always do prefer to see everyone in person, so here's the bottom line (and I take no offense and fully understand if it may not work for others either logistically or economically, so speak freely - I have no desire to put anyone in an uncomfortable position):

I will be at the Delta Lodge at Kananaskis for that weekend. I will be inquiring with them this weekend as to the availability of a conference room we could occupy for the draft (with internet access of course) if so desired; and if feasible, I will look at covering that cost for the group (unless it is beyond my ability). That still leaves individual cost of travel/gas, and whatever we decide to do for food in K-country though.

Please give it some thought, as it will only work if it doesn't cause another GM to have to change from attending to not attending. I will post an update on availability of a conference room, and whether I can cover the cost, if people can let me know (through blog or private email) whether a ED "Retreat" on the 2nd would be an option.




  1. Hmm blog page acting up - I can only see my post by clicking on August posts in right frame. Hopefully y'all can read it...

  2. My wife loves it out there. If ppl are interested i may just get a room as well :)

  3. It adds some travel time for me (about double) but otherwise isn't a big deal. I will confirm my Calgary lodgings ASAP, and can take one maybe two Gms with me from Calgary to K-country the morning of the draft. However I have to leave after the draft to be back in Lethbridge that evening as the following day I am taking Mairi out for a five K breast cancer run for her B-day.

    I am looking forward to wishing your dad a happy birthday in person!

  4. I was talking o Collin last pm...about him and Colleen hosting again...but then he mentioned your idea and a wives' spa day at the Lodge for Collen, 'Tina, ?Karen and Celina during the draft sounds good.

    Of course first there needs to a conference room for 12 with wireless access...

    otherwise think both me and doug are in, probably brian...but dan, i would suggest emailing this idea to all the gms...

    and i love to wish your dad happy birthday in person!

  5. Yes a Spa day could take place at the Delta - I would recommend however that decisions on that be made quickly as their spa gets booked up, esp. if we want simultaneous services for multiple significant others...

    Ok with it so far:

    (and by proxy Doug and Brian? Let me know if Bob's correct on that :-)

  6. A quick update - the Spa at the Delta is already quite booked, at least if the goal is manicures/pedicures. There is some space for those, and more for body treatments like massage. Of course it depends when people want to do the Spa thing, as they have more space (I believe) Sunday for those who want to make a weekend out of it and stay the night. I suspect, though, that the goal for many is ladies to the Spa while the men waste their day listing names of hockey players !?!?!! :-)

  7. I am good as long as the draft still starts at 10am mtn time. I have my parents arrive that day. Note I have skype capabilities now as well so some one should bring a headset or speaker phone and we can skype in aswell.

  8. I'm good with this plan + can kick in for cost of the meeting room ... Doug and Bob, are you guys thinking of staying overnight Fri and/or Sat?

  9. Damn.. anyone have a cheap room code? The saturday is listed at $200

  10. For now, go to the Delta website and use promo code PZ15 which will save you 15%. Closer to the date you may be able to get even better with their last minute rate (PDLM) but that's usually only within 2 weeks of your stay.

    If we have enough people staying, especially if it is for 2 nights in some cases, I can likely negotiate a discounted room rate - BUT I need to know first if there is enough agreement to relocate the draft.
    If anyone is able to contact other GMs for input, I will go talk to the Event Sales office tomorrow morning.

    So far, I believe we have agreement from:
    Cam, Chris, Mike G
    Bob, Doug?, Brian
    Myself, Rob (who is fine so long as we're on line)

    Collin, Corey, Darrell, Mike B

    If we can get input from those remaining I can inquire tomorrow!

    (PS - Cam, did you say YOU are doing a 5K run???)

  11. Yes, this may be shocking to some but I will be pushing Mairi for the full 5k. Will I actually run the whole distance? Unlikely. I've done 3k runs in the past, but never 5, and never pushing a pram and baby. So I expect some walking will be in order.

    At some point when my registration becomes official I will be passing the hat for sponsorship ;-)

    also to be clear, I will NOT be able to make it out the night prior to the draft, but will be driving up in the morning, and leaving at the conclusion of the draft. Gms who wish to tag along with me will have to accept that timeline.

  12. Hey all,

    With many thanks for consideration of this alternative plan, it unfortunately won't work for the entire group, and I won't put my attendance ahead of anyone else's. I may even try to juggle things to still attend in Calgary myself.

    Thanks for willingness to be flexible, and perhaps we can plan for a "destination" draft in the Rockies for a future ED?

    See y'all in Calgary on the 2nd...
    Gather 9ish, draft start at 10?


  13. Just curious why it's a no -go... GMs don't have to stay out there (can just go or a day trip).

    Bob - please cancel our hotel booking if this is a no-go (you're still welcome to stay at my place of course)



  14. Suffice it to say that there were logistics that would have made things more difficult on others, and it isn't fair for me to create inconvenience to others just because my circumstances changed. Consider it a good idea to consider for the future...

    I'll work on scheduling things so I can hopefully attend in person...

  15. No problemo - darn logistics.

  16. Since it looks like a NO-GO this year, I thought it was a great idea to consider for the future...Well done Dr Ross! Wish your Dad Happy birthday please Dan, and now I will cancel mine and Brian's reservation at the Delta K-Lodge...Alas, maybe next year...

    Cheers to you all when we meet at Collin and Colleen's on Oct 2nd...

  17. PS Brian I guess I'm crashing at your place...Should be fun yet again...

    Hopefully, our yearly FUNHL Poker game afterwards can occur with GMs and their wives...

    Or at least a nice Post-ED Dinner! And Colleen and Collin, it is not lost on me or the rest of the FUNHL the the yearly courtesy you do for us each Entry Draft - Thank you Again.


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