
A Legend Dies

ESPN is reporting that the all-time most fearsome fighter in NHL history (this is not hyperbole - Jr kids in Canada still call a knockout a 'Probie') has passed on at the age of 45.

No real details in the report as of yet, but given his troubled history with substance abuse, there is likely a forthcoming explanation.

How awesome was he in his prime? Consider the following stat line from 1987-88;

Games: 74, Goals: 29, Assists: 33, Pts: 62, PIM: 398

FUNHL Points: 161.5

Not 'just' a goon (at least, not initially) his playoff stats from that same year show he possessed more than just cement hands and piston powered shoulders to launch them with;

Games: 16, Goals: 8, Assists: 13, Pts: 21, PIM 51

FUNHL Pts: 33.75 (in just 16 games)

Always a bit of a tragic character given his run ins with the law over DUIs, cocaine possession and other assorted misdemeanors, how he met his end will no doubt play into that narrative.

Me, I'll remember him as the single most fearsome heavyweight in the NHL from the age of the heavyweight.

Godspeed you Mr. Probert.


  1. Geez - way too young! I suspect as well that his addiction problems will come into play. Definitely agree he was the best and most fearsome fighter ever - at least in my era so far.

  2. Only heard about this in the last hour or so. Stunning and sad.

    I don't haved the prose to express all my mixed thoughts and emotions.

    Godspeed indeed.

  3. The best part of the fight is the very end when Probert is feeding Coxe a diet of vicious uppercuts that bounce his head up and down like a pez dispenser.

  4. Very Sad to See a Legend fall to Shadows...RIP...

    Alas I'll remember Probie v Domi...

  5. Cam - it's good you explained a little about Probie as Chris and Richard might not otherwise know who he was ;-)


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