
The Barbarians Return?

If only to take a pause from the FP replacement debate - seriously, if you want to improve you FPs then trade for better ones or DON'T trade away your top prospect picks to Brian so that they can be groomed to become your new FPs down the road. But I digest...

I understand from both Facebook and e-mail that Mike Breakenridge is offering himself up to fill in for Richard as GM of the Lost Boys/Barbarians for the upcoming season.

All in favour, say aye.



  1. I think you mean 'digress' not 'digest'. Though there is acertain poetry to the way you put it.


  2. It was intentional. An oblique reference to the Family Guy's parody of Star Wars, Blue Harvest.

  3. I love that one. I have not seen "Something, Something, Something, Darkside" yet.

    But anyway, I digest aswell.

    Aye, Aye, Aye, Aye!!!!


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