
Slot Selection and NHL ED

I guess I got sucked into the Vortex...

Because I'll be in Vancouver from the 21st-25th of June at a conference, I OFFICIALLY altered my plans to be in Calgary on Friday pm and Sat etc for the Slot selection {let's say, Sat the 26th June, sponsered by the Crown Royal Twist of Fate and Sudden Death OT}. I'll be there to warch the NHL ED...hopefully with Cam and Doug also joining Brian and I and other GMs from the FUNhl...

Looking forward to seeing you all!!


  1. Where are u guys going friday night?

  2. May be able to come down and join but will need to find willing entertainment package for wife and child while I stare at TV screen.

    Collin, Dan, any suggestions?

  3. Hey all - Sadly I am out of town the weekend of the 25th - early celebration of my wedding anniversary (hint hint Doug ;-)

    Perhaps someone can collect the chips of fate before that weekend?

  4. Sorry Dan...

    Slot Selection on Sat pm -brian and me

    location - need feedback...would like darrell,mike getta, collin, chris, corey, etc - anyone interested pluse ?poker afgter dark



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