
Five Mock Drafts

Here are five mock 2010 drafts to salve the wound of a Bladerunner triple crown;


My apologies for not making a hyperlink, but I am blogging by iTouch and haven't worked out an easy way to do it.


  1. I'm hurt ;-) Especially as I was just making nice comments about you earlier tonight to Bob. How many GMs cheered against the Severed Heads getting their triple crown? yeesh.

    Besides- it ain't over until its over and I don't hear the fat lady singing just yet.

  2. How many GMs cheered against the Severed Heads winning a triple crown?

    At a guess, 11. ;-)

    The fat lady may not be singing just yet, but she's in the tunnel finishing her burger.

  3. I was looking for Calgary's pick and then remembered that it was Oli Jokinen (come Ales Kotalik and Chris Higgins).


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