
Gilmour Trade, the Sequel - discuss

Great WD guys, always good to talk to all the GMs not being drafted by Bob.

That said, the news of the day was the Phaneuf deal and the more it sinks in the worse it looks to me.Eric Duhatschek nails it in the Globe,I think but maybe I'm missing something.

That said, here is my "amatur" GM analysis. You are trading a key asset, Phaneuf, when he is underperforming. By definition you are not getting full value for him. If you wanted offense, could you not have made the much-talked about deal for Kovalchuk? Let's say you couldn't, fair enough, is Hagman the best you could have gotten?

This is one bottle of wine that will not get better with the passage of time.


  1. Wait - Sutter's not done yet! Jokinen and Prust for Higgins and Kotalik! Wow!

    Could we not have put Jokinen and Phanuef together to get Kovalchuk?

  2. is Sutter drunk? Are they freeing up money to offer kovalchuck 10 mill a year or something. jokinen and phaneuf needed to go but talk about getting nothing for something...

  3. Perhaps I'm missing something here, and I may be, but this is starting to look worse and worse for Calgary. Higgins and Kotalik? Was Redden unavailable? :-)

  4. Unfortunately, I am more apt to agree with Cam's analysis above...


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