
Tentative WD2 Dates and Trade deadline

Is there a move to Sunday possible?

Some Dates to Consider...

Weekend - Jan 30, 31st[sunday-my preferred]

Feb 6,7 [sunday preferred]

The NHL closes for 2 weeks after Feb 14 [sunday],

NHL trade deadline is March 3rd [Wed]

Thus FUNHL TRADE DEADLINE is at 6pm with line-ups on Monday, March 8th, 2010.

Comments, please...

DC is 3/3 on making WD2 on Sunday either Jan 31st or Feb 7th.


  1. I'm interested in Feb 15. I'm told that is also a day off in Alberta.


  2. Lets see... New years or superbowl... both bad weekends imo but if Bob wants to draft for me then i can live with it ;)

  3. Currently either weekend works for me Jan 30/31 or Feb 6/7. I'd prefer not to dip in towards the Family Day weekend as I will be headed to Mexico.

  4. Jan 30/31 or Feb 6/7 also okay for me. Feb 15 might be okay, but its getting way past 2/3 point of season.

    Hey Chris, new years is Dec 31. What new years are you referring to?

  5. Either weekend works for me.

  6. chinese new year obv... the holiday of my people :)


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