
Addiction Issues

My pupils are dilated, palms sweaty, heart rate out of control, hands shaking.... I need my stats fix!! The addiction used to be under much better under control when stats used to come out once a week, on a Thursday or Friday, but with the new drugs, I mean stats program, that Doug is using now... the habit is much worse.

Alright, I'll live.


  1. You need more heroin, my friend...but when chasing the dragon always use clean needles...

  2. I might have to make this switch... unless Doug can get his priorities straight. HOCKEY POOL first then family/work/walking dog/eating/sleeping etc. Am I asking too much?

  3. Ya got the "jones" for your next fix!

  4. Oh, forgot to mention - the first one is free but after that I have to charge you. Just to cover expenses, you see. Nothing you can't handle. I'm sure we can come to some accomodation.

  5. statistician's $20 fee is waived yearly ... you want MORE!!?? Fine - name your price!!! I'll give it!!!!

  6. I have no desire to see how much farther behind I am getting

  7. That's part of the fix I need... to see how bad Rob is doing! ;-)


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