
Severed Heads Breaking News

Mgt are pleased to announce the newest addition to our team's brain trust;

Mairi Johannah Webb, joined the team at 3:59am on Oct 3rd.

Mom and baby are doing great, despite the insistence by Mairi that she join us in our kitchen rather than wait till we got to the hospital.

Update: First, I've been informed by the powers that be that the spelling of her middle-name has an 'h' on the end, so I've updated the post accordingly.

Second, to answer the question posed in the comments, the pronunciation of her name rhymes with 'starry'.

Third, I did indeed have a typo in the date - now corrected. Mairi is indeed spectacular, but not yet fully capable of time travel.


  1. Congratulations!!

    All the best to Mom, baby, Dad and brother for everyone at Highlander central.

  2. FROM everyone at Highlander central. Blackberry malfunction.

  3. Congrats!!!!

    Is that pronounced Mary?

  4. That's awesome news Cam!! Congrats to your family on the addition!

  5. Wow, scary,yet exhilirating moments for mom and dad! Hello Mairi, the world welcomes you with open arms!

  6. Great news, Cam! I'm glad it all worked out so well!

  7. Glad to hear all is well. Congrats

  8. Congratulations on the new baby Cam. Is she some kind of time travelling baby? Born Oct. 13 and yet there with you now.(Yes, I think there is a typo in your post)


    Grats again!!!

  9. WOOT!

    You my friend are one cool cat for letting them use your popcorn bowl like that.


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