
Draft Clarity

Hi all,
Just so I'm clear on plans for Draft Day:

Date - Sept 26th
Start time?

Plans for addressing rule proposals before draft?

Location of draft? Of Dinner? Of poker after?

Attendees in person?




  1. Well I am there. Beyond that, I can't say.

  2. I'm emailing and talking to Rob + Bob today about rule proposals / voting and will discuss draft day details with them too.

    My guess is 10am MST for draft start as that has been fairly typical; any announcements of FP drops and trades to occur before the draft start if possible.

    Location - tbd; ideas welcome!
    Dinnner - tbd (steak house if all in agreement)
    Poker location - tbd; ideas welcome

  3. At best I am attending on-line. At worst I will be dependent on someone else for assistance and will be making an effort to have that plan in place ahead of time.

    Collin has offered his abode, but given he will be at work and not arriving until half-way through (with Colleen doing his draft for him), it may be nice to give them a break.

    I imagine the other items will flow from this basic decision.

  4. When is Collin back from work?

    If the draft started at 12:30 or even 1:00 - but is actually started, by which I mean the first pick (C R.Getzlaf ANA, btw) is made at 1:00 MST sharp, would that be the end of the world?

    I know it means a later night for Rob but we can draft straight through and keep to the clock and if it means that more people are actually at the draft then I think it is a price worth paying. Thoughts?

  5. I am good with the majority, though I would not mind some sweet-talking time before the first pick.

  6. Who are you planning to do sweet talk with? And does your wife know?

  7. I think a 1230 start should work for me. That is 330 my time so we would end about 10pm. Later than I like but doable.

  8. OK so if we start at 1230, first pick at 1300, is it feasible to do drinks and snacks through the draft then dinner at the end, without a full "meal" during? Trying to work through hosting options...

  9. Rob - sacrificing yourself for the greater good is a noble thing.

    I like Dan's idea of NOT havinng a meal break during the draft and just snacking + going out to eat later.

  10. As long as there are LOTS of snacks abound during the draft.

    Corey has been known to eat small children when he gets hungry. I have seen it with mine own two eyes.

  11. Breakfast at cash before the draft? We can marvel at Corey eating 3 or 4 breakfasts :)

  12. OK hypothetically what would ppl need in the way of food and drink to get through the draft to dinner?

  13. We can do like we did last year and order a Subway platter. Or 2 or 3.

  14. Coke zero and a footlong sub will do me just fine - until we start scraping the barrel for defensemen, then I will require chocolate, sugar and caffine.

  15. You are really scraping the barrell drafting that Green guy in the 22nd round ;-) But I hear ya, picking d-men late in draft requires alertness.... or alcohol.

    I'm good with ordering subs.

  16. I believe cocktails can start at noon...

  17. So Bob, are you attending the draft this year?

  18. Yes, I am attending the ED [like every year i've been in the pool, except, 1995, when i was in montreal and mike mitsch was in hamilton]

    I arrive in Calgary on Friday, Sept 25th at 2pm, leave on Sunday at noon.

    Richard is arriving at 8am on draft day and leaving on the red eye same night...

    I believe ?Collin/Colleen? have volunteered to host as Collin due to work may miss the 1st few rnds...

    Doug and I need a place to stay ?brian? and Richard needs a ride from the airport ?doug?


    only the shadow knows?

  19. Hey guys. Colleen and I are willing to again be host to the ED. I usually work until 12 noon,home by 12:30, but may be able to leave a little early depending on how busy it is. Colleen is willing to have people arrive at about 11-11:30 to allow for set up and trades, etc., and can have a pot of coffee, pop and snacks available, but that would be about all. If everyone is willing to push back the start date to 12:30, I would be able to draft for myself and would be most appreciative.

  20. Hi Collin and Colleen - thanks for this offer! Rob has agreed to start later at 12:30 so this is fine. Everybody can still kick in for coffee and snacks, and it looks like we might do Subway for lunch with hopefully just a short break.

  21. Sounds good - I say draft starts when Collin arrives (1215-1230-1245 whatever).

    How many are planning to come for dinner? Cattle Baron for steak as per Richard ok? I can check on reservations if possible (may not take them though)

    I will host poker after the meal...


  22. I am down with steak.

    I am even comfortable with taking your money after.

  23. I'm in for both. Winning money after to pay for the steak dinner would be great!!


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