
Multi-Blog NHL Mock Draft

James Mirtle, of From The Rink , which is also on our quick-list on the side, has a neat twist on the whole Mock Draft idea. He's getting the SB Nation's NHL Bloggers (for each of the NHL Teams) to make the mock selection for their covered team and explain why. Its a clever idea and a nice way for the differnt team blogs to show there stuff.

I for one am enjoying the process, though the 3-picks a day rate is almost Dan-like in its pacing :-)



  1. I'd say the pace is far more 'Bill-like' than 'Dan-like'.

    Dan never needed three time outs to pick a player in the top five!

  2. Thanks! For the record, I don't believe I have even used my two time outs for an ED in years...

  3. But you have come close, Red Five to being scorched by that rule...

  4. Bill had the first pick overall as I recall... lol.


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