
Staal Drinking Game

I lifted this from the Pensblog comments section because it was too funny not to.

Likelihood of alcoholic blackout or worse? Better than 50%

Drinking game rules:

Mention of any 'Staal' during game - drink

Mention of Eric and Jordan being brothers - drink twice

Mention of their 2 brothers also being in the NHL (Marc with the Rangers, Jared with the Phoenix organization) - drink four times

Mention of the long stick Jordan Staal uses - chug

Showing the Staal parents right before Jordan scores a goal - toast the person to your right and chug

Showing the Staal parents right before Eric scores - kill yourself

Mention of the Staal family Sod farm - vomit on the person to your left

Mention of 'Whitney' and someone near you thinks it's Ryan - punch them in the throat


  1. Sounds like fun. Except for the suicide and punching in the throat parts. Can only imagine if there would be any survivors of a Sutter brother drinking game.

  2. I attempted to do this reading Globe article...oh my...every staal aphorism used...good thing it was espressos...not beer!

  3. Just the drinking alone would have killed most men based on the calling of game one.

    Staal v Staal was all the rage, and would have lead to blindness minutes in, followed by sure death before the end of the period.


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