
Lost Boys Status update

Hello all,

It would be wrong to start this post with anything other than a hearty thank-you to Bob for essentially running my team for the past season. My life is busy on the other side of the covenant, and whether or not I would continue with running the Lost Boys for another season has been on my mind for months now. I told Bob I'd have an answer to the league before the playoffs were done; and here's it is.

Yes, I'll be back for 2009-2010. I'll be changing my ideal for how I want to run the team, to something much closer to how I can run the team, and I'll be coming to Calgary for the entry draft, since that seems to be key to my participation.

And, although I'm not going to hold the league hostage to my requests, there are some changes that I really do need to see put into the covenant (i.e. whether or not these pass, I'll be in next season.)

Change #1: Let's reduce the number of waiver drafts to one a year. I find these very stressful, for a variety of reasons, and I don't see them as helping my team: one waiver draft will give us all the advantages we can hope to get from the exercise.

Change #2: Let's make waived players from a line up stay around for the remainder of the season. They can be picked up by any team, at any time, once they are off someone's line up. They shouldn't disappear after one week.

These aren't yet formally phrased to fit in the covenant: someone will have a better talent for that than myself; I'd be keen to see these changes implemented for this coming season if that's possible.

I hope all of you have a good summer.

(Still) GM Lost Boys.


  1. Awesome news that you are sticking around for our communal insanity!

    Your proposals will be considered and debated over the off-season (along with any others that come up) and voted on at the ED.

  2. Hi Richard

    That's great that you are staying and I hope you have a great summer as well.

    I'm not so sure I agree on your proposal #1 (I think two WDs actually do help teams AND they are a means of keeping the 12 GMs in touch which seems to be decreasing year after year).

    I do like your 2nd proposal ...and along with providing a bit of help more consistently to teams that need it, it also has a neat strategic element to it by making Gms be a little more careful who they waive and actually increase some trading.

    BTW, I'm still interested in Kovalchuk... hope to talk ;-)

  3. Re. voting - I "think" we have actually been voting on proposal BEFORE the ED the past couple of years... i.e. all vote proposals in by sometime in August then more discussion time and we vote by mid September).

    12/12 GMs need to vote in a proposal for upcoming season and 9/12 for the following season. So good that you make proposals now and then you need to persuade anybody who is really against.

    I "suggest" that you further outline the various reasons that you find 2 WDs stressful.



  4. I lied (err, forgot actually)... we can implement a rule change for this year with 9/12 GMs agreeing. This was a rule change from 2 years ago and is in the current covenant.

  5. Great that you are coming back. Hopefully you will be able to be more active in the future years.

  6. Having a vote for Sept 1 is much better although niether of these affect how the ED or ranking of players much.

  7. i wouldnt be opposed to either of these changes...

  8. Hey Richard,

    Great news on you coming back next year.

    I would be willing to support both proposals.


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