
Vendetta Win Predator Cup and Challenge Cup; Bladerunners Run Away With Omnivore; Edge Stuck With Herbivore

I'm not going to bother doing up "official stats" with manually calculated goaltending numbers - no two teams are close enough that it warrants doing that. Here's hoping that I can figure out how to use the Yahoo! stats next season to avoid this problem in the future.

Congrats again to Darrell on their impressive double. This is their third Predator Cup (2001-02, 2003-04 were the previous two) and fourth Challenge Cup (1999-00, 2001-02, 2003-04 were the previous three).

The Bladerunners win the Omnivore running away, the franchise's third Omnivore plaque. I don't think I can stress enough what a phenomenal win this is. Look at the Bladerunner's baseline - 808pts! Only the Lost Boys started as far behind as the Bladerunners did and he finishes in the top four, that is impressive.

Great season everyone! I always look forward to the draft in September and love that I am still hanging with the gang almost twenty years later. Next year can't start soon enough...must find 10 more pts...:-)

1 comment:

  1. Well Doug...good job with the stats [again].

    And Darrell, when we joined the FUNHL together, you were the pupil who drafted so well but failed to win, I the Master and used the micromanagement to quickly get 2 Cups...NOW you are the Master and I merely the pupil, as you collect your 3rd Cup and 4th Challenge Cup...the Cycle is complete...I must learn to draft...

    Congrats on your deserved victory


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