
Week 22 Stats, corrected

Hi Guys,

Thanks to the Bladerunners and Vendetta GMs for their quick response to my stats query. The problem, as it has been most of the season, are minor discrepencies in goaltending stats. This year the good people at the NHL have decided to give their stats to CBS, ESPN, etc in a different format than they have since - well - the dawn of time. My spreadsheets had to be completely re-done. As a result goalie stats had to be calculated backwards because a goalie's minutes played is not expressly reported anymore in the regular sortable stats package (except by Yahoo!, more on that in a sec). I had found that this reverse-engineering of goalis stats would produce fractional pt errors but that these errors tended to work themselves out over the course of the season so I wasn't too worried about it. Until now. With the Challenge Cup races and the Predator Cup (and Herbivore) races being so close a fractional pt can be the difference between a win or a loss or 11th or 12th.

From here on in the final weekly stats will have goalie stats genereated manually by me for those races at the top and bottom, just so I'm sure we are handing out the hardware to the right person. My stats reports mid-week will be based on my spreadsheets and I'm pretty confident that by the end of this the fractional pt will not really matter but just so everyone is aware - I'm on it.

So, here was where we started the week. Congrats to Cam and Darrel for their Challenge Cup vicotries. Collin, sorry you start the week in 12th and not 11th - that said, you've closed the gap to a hair's breadth so you could pass Rob this week with only a little more luck. I hope to have stats up for the first two days of this week later today.

Oh, about Yahoo!. My intention is to revamp/restore my spreadsheets to their former glory over the summer with the intent of using Yahoo! next year as the cut and paste capture source for our stats - so buy stock :-)


  1. Thanks Doug for all your work with this. Ya, goalie stats can be nightmarish. Still a good idea for Gms to do their individual stats + compare to you, especially as you put it if fighting for hardware (or to avoid hardware).


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