
CBS Stats Delay Conspires to Deny Highlanders' GM Birthday Present And Much Needed Ego Boost

This logo should be atop the Predator Cup Standings as of Sunday Night Stats (by my back of the envelope calculation, the Highlanders had 9pts on Sunday to the Vendetta's 5 - enough for a "big" 2pt leads). CBS, for reasons that can only be fueled by personal spite against me, a subliminal fear of beheading or some latent concern around the Ides of March, have declined to update Sunday's stats yet onto their stats page. While this will necessitate me manually subtracting Monday's two games from tomorrow's stats to get the Week 23 Stats - a mildly annoying task - it also opens up the distinct possibility that by the time I post the stats on Tuesday Darrell will have reclaimed the lead (he's dressing Suter in NSH for pts and tg while it looks like M.Green in Was will sit out tonight's game - more conspiracy, I tell you :-). Anyhow, since I have been rechecking the CBS site all day before finally realizing that I need to see a Dr. about my 3 wk cold (I'm betting on another bout of pnumonia - which apparently was my condition the last time I was able to win this so don't think I'm going to go soft on you Darrell all doped up on anti-biotics) I am reduced to posting this lame excuse of a stats page.

Still, I think I had a good birthday. I'm off to bed now as the medicentre says I have to 2+ hour wait to see a Dr (my Dr. is away on holiday - more conspiracy, I tell you)....


    Sorry to hear about your cold, but hope that you are able to duke it out with Darrell to the end.

  2. beware the ides of march...or doug's b-day whichever you please...happy birthday doug!


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