
GOY Candidate

Its almost not fair to include Ovechkin in the contest. He seems to score a ridiculous goal every week and this one is no exception.

- Starts with a spinning backhand pass to himself off the boards. Very nice.
- Beats defenseman wide with his speed.
- Gets hauled down, one hands the puck past the goaltender as he slides into him.
- Heroically encourages his team mates and then the crowd to cheer his exploit

Degree of difficulty 11.

It's not quite the level of his spinning on his back like a turtle one hand it while upside down move - but we are getting close.

Update: Puck Daddy's dissent on this being the GOY


  1. Fair or not, gets my vote for GOY of all the ones I've seen so far...

  2. i saw this last night

    by far GOY...


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