
Mid-Term Report

Hi Everyone,

My apologies for not getting a team review up earlier this year (i.e. after the draft) but its a bit time intensive and the kid likes to play with the keyboard while daddy blogs so it didn't get done. Mea Culpa.

Here instead is an abbreviated Mid-Term Report for your enjoyment!

12. The Edge

Why They Suck: The defense wasn't strong to begin with and injuries to Schneider and Zubov robbed it of any potential it had. One of the teams best wingers Paul Kariya has just had hip surgery that will threaten the majority of his season. The right wing has also been bad. Very, very bad. Add in to this an early injury to Nabokov has factored in to their slow start along with a two week suckage/vacation by Ovechkin while he dealt with his Grandfather's illness. Once again the injury gods mock the Edge.

Will They Dance With Herbi?: Unlikely. The team has two boffo FPs in Ovie and Thornton both of whom have turned it on lately, and Ovie in particular still looks like a threat to win the scoring title despite his early season absence. #2 center Jokinen is still a stud - if underperforming so far, and while the right wing is a disaster it has Frolov at the top end and he could easily kick it back into gear.

11. The Lost Boys

Why They Suck: Both Kovalchuk and Nash have been inconsistent and below expected performance so far. Each misses out on having an elite line-mate to compliment them and is often forced to be the primary, secondary and tertiary offensive options for their team. The LB's set of pivots is also less than dominant now that Miiko Koivu is hurt and their weakness down the middle at what should be the teams highest scoring position (outside of their FPs at LW) is often glaring.

Is This A Gobble Gobble Year?: Probably not. Nash broke out of his slump in a big way recently and he could easily go on a massive tear. They have above average goaltending, an excellent LW, and average defensemen. A return to health by Koivu would help and a hot streak by Giguere could see them pull away from the basement, as could a trade of Kovalchuk to a team with more firepower.

10. The Wolves

Why They Suck: Its never good when both FPs are on the shelf for prolonged stretches. Cornerstone Phaneuf has also been less dominant than last year even as he leads the league in ice-time. A lack of depth at all forward positions hurts more than a Johnny Cash song after a nasty breakup and a whiskey bender. Dealing Alfreddson for prospects hasn't improved their chances at all.

Do They Like Turkey?: My personal bet is they should get used to being sleepy from the Triptophan. Gaborik has been a no-show most of the year and looks to miss a lot more time. Brodeur has already missed months of action and there is no word on when he will return from his torn bicep. Prospects Toews, Hudler, Voracek and Biron are all logging way too much time on the top lines and in net for this to be a comfortable situation. They would all be excellent complimentary players on a deep team, but its not good to have them trying to run the show.

9. The Ramapithicines

Why They Suck: More than anything else, FP Turco was for a long stretch the worst goaltender in the league by a wide margin. The left wing's best guy is sophmore goon Dan Carcillo, and while he has been 'ok', he just isn't good enough to lead a teams portside. The right wing has one nice piece in RFA Corey Perry - and he just got suspended, essentially decapitating the position. Getzlaf is an elite centerman, but he is the lone bright spot at the position as the team is forced to use Pavelski and Horcoff - a pair of AHL caliber guys - to fill active roster spots.

Is Their A Flightless Farm Bird In Their Future?: Probably not. Thomas has shored up the net for the time being, and Turco has rebounded lately to provide acceptable numbers. Chara still leads one of the deepest defense corps in the league, and while the forwards are still a mess, there is enough offense to keep them from falling off the map. It ain't pretty though.

8. The Great Whites

Why Aren't They Better?: An injury to Alexei 'girl punch' Semin came at the worst possible time - when he lead the league in scoring. The center spot has Staal underperforming his potential most nights and not receiving much support from I-Hurt-Myself-Demitra or Saku the Elder on the others. The defense corps gets corkscrewed more than a frat house winery and hasn't reliably provided offense from anyone other than 'Ride-Me-Big-Sheldon' Souray.

Do They Have A Turkey Sandwich Future?: Unlikely. Parise has been out of his mind lately and has established himself as one of the leagues brightest young stars (another former Heads prospect draft, 'pat' 'pat'), and Phil 'One Ball Good' Kessel has finally developed into the elite goal scoring threat he promised to be at the WJC way back when. Lunqvist has remained a solid top 5 goaltender for the team even as Carey Price waits in the wings for his shot. All in all too much talent for them to slip into Herbivore teritory unless the Injury Gods take a dislike to the GWs.

7. The Knights Templar

Why Aren't The Better?: Mostly cause the FP's stink. Tanguay has been injured much of the year, though he was reasonably productive when healthy. Hejduk continues his slow decline into mediocrity and has lost the wheels and laser shot that made him so deadly early in his career. Losing both the playmakers tinjury (Sakic, Stastny) he typically lines up with hasn't helped either. Goaltending is a going concern as well with Bryzgalov facing a nighly abuse of shots most netminders would wilt under.

Is Average The Best The Best They Can Be?: Yes. Patrick 'Denis Savard' Kane is a thrilling future elite FP at RW and Kopitar (despite recent average play) looks to be at least an average center FP moving forward. The defense corps is solid if unspectacular, and in particular Shea 'Dion Phaneuf part 2' Weber looks to be rounding into a Norris caliber defender with a booming slapshot. Too many good things to fall too far, but not enough help from long term contract players to advance much higher.

6. The Shadowmen

Why Arent' They Better?: Mostly because elite FP Luongo has been hurt for much of the year and the team has had to rely on Mike 'John Doe' Smith's goaltending in Tampa Bay to keep them afloat. The defense unit could use an influx of offensive support at the top end, though Shane 'Roughhouse' O'Brien is a nice piece of the puzzle, FUNHL teams cannot subsist on goons alone. Their other FP Martin 'Waterbug' St Louis has been merely 'ok' for large stretches of the season, and has to be a little dissapointing so far in his production.

Is Average The Best The Best They Can Be?: Yes. But...the GM has a knack for making lots (and lots) of trades and with an understanding of the teams weaknesses could well address them by this route in a way few teams could. Savard has been nothing short of amazing for the team, and is the early candidate for Shadowmen MVP. A decent set of forwards that includes Savard and a breakout season for Jeff Carter should keep them average or better moving forward.

5. The Scourge

Why Aren't They Better?: Low producing seasons from both FPs have hamstrung what is otherwise a well built squad. Coupled with a lack of depth at both wing positions where guys like O'Sullivan and Bobby Ryan are playing too prominent a role has also hurt their situation.

Is Average The Best They Can Be?: Nope. Any kind of pickup in the play of either Brad 'I Was Once Elite' Richards or more especially Jason 'The Spaz' Spezza could see them surge upwards. The team hasn't had great goaltending yet from MA Fleury and that could also be in the cards down the stretch as he returns to full health. Vanek has been nothing short of awesome as a righwing gunslinger for them and a continued hot hand from him would also help. An above average defense corps rounds out the teams assets. Impressive, but still just shy of the elite clubs.

4. The Bladerunners

Too Legit Too Quit?: The numbers say 'Yes', but I remain sceptical. That said they have the best RW in the league by a wide margin in Iginla, Hossa and Alfie - any of whom would be the top RW for any other franchise. Solid goaltending has been provided from the tandem of Ward and Miller, and the Bladerunners have a deep set of offensive minded defenders to compliment the attack.

Achilles Heel?: I'm not sold on the forward units outside of the RW. The Sedins have been exceptionally good of late, and the track record shows they aren't elite producers for a full season. After them the forwards are lead by Nik Backstrom and not much else. Nor do I think the goaltending will hold up for the whole year as neither Miller nor Ward has ever had a full season of top 5 numbers.

3. The Severed Heads

Too Legit Too Quit?: Yes. They possess the leagues leading scorer in Malkin, two excellent complimentary pivots, a high scoring pair of LW FPs and at least an average set of defensemen. Added bonus is the return of Sundin-C RFA Vcr who can gives them enough depth at center to make a trade. Last but not least they hold the rights to future FP John Tavares as a bargaining chip to make a blockbuster down the stretch.

Achilles Heel?: The right wing was supposed to be lead by Miro 'Prince of Darkness' Satan, but he has fallen off the map almost completely of late. Chris 'The Pugilist' Neil has also failed to provide any offense to go along with his PIM, and shockingly the teams top starboard gunner has been the unexpectedly healthy Havlat. A prolonged scoring drought by both the Senators and Penguins over the holiday season has also hurt the team since they rely so heavily on both squads for offense (3 Pens, 4 Sens), and the goaltending has been little short of terrible all season long. They are good, but still need work to be a repeat champion.

2. The Highlanders

Too Legit Too Quit?: Without a doubt. Despite a horrific scoring drought from FP Crosby the team has a wicked defense unit lead by Chris Pronger and Mike Green, and recieved lights-out goaltending from Miika Kipprusoff. Patrick 'Second Fiddle' Marleau has ressurected himself with the team and gives them a more than adequate #2 behind Crosby. Any kind of rekindling of Crosby's offense and the Highlanders are a major threat.

Achilles Heel?: The Kilted Dirt Farmers get less than adequate support from their wingmen, especially with the untimely injury to the resurgent Simon Gagne. Both wings now feature prospects playing on the top lines who at best should be third liners in Mueller and Setoguchi. That said, as both are performing well they could each bring significant help if they were traded.

1. The Personal Vendetta

Can They Keep It Up?: No reason why not. Despite a less than awesome performance by Lidstrom they have arguably the leagues best defense unit, a top 3 goaltender in Backstrom, and a group of scoring forwards the envy of the league featuring Datsyuk and Zetterberg in starring roles.

Achilles Heel?: The Right wing is a little shaky as it is lead by Ales 'Bridesmaid' Hemsky, and they have recieved unexpectedly excellent performances from Lang in a fill-in role while Stastny convaleces. Dnucan Keith's +/- performance borders on the absurdly fluky as well, so despite the fact they lead the league they aren't likely to run away with it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice summary Cam.

    Missed your pre-season predictions/analysis so nice of you to mid-season it up.


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