
Franchise Building

Pop Quiz;

Q - What do the following players all have in common?

Ryan-R Ana, Kessel-R Bos, Backstrom-C Wsh, Doughty-D LA, Mueller-L Phx, Little-C Atl, Setoguchi-R SJ, Green-D Wsh, Eminger-D Pha, Stastny-C Col, Kopitar-C LA, Kane-R Chi, Hudler-L Det, Toews-C Chi, Voracek-R Clb, Biron-G Pha, and Ericksson-R Dal

A - they are all prospects promoted to contribute to their FUNHL teams this year (in the case of Kessel and Stastny it is assumed they would be contributing if not injured/sick)

It's quite a list and it spans no fewer than 9 of the 12 teams in the league (Corey, Chris and Richard are the only Gms without promoted prospects on their rosters). The Highlanders and Wolves both lead the way in that they have no fewer than four prospects as part of their squads (to divergent results).

All of which speaks to two things IMO.

1. The system we have put in place with regards to prospects and their contract length is definitely working. Good young players have both been spread throughout the league AND have a contract length sufficient to see them succeed before hitting the RFA/UFA marketplace. In short they were EXACTLY the currency we needed to replace the trading of entry draft picks as our asset of choice to facilitate trades.

2. More than ever investing in scouting at the prospect draft pays off. Even if an asset doesn't mature in time to produce for your own team, they represent a potential return via trade that can't be ignored. This would also correlate further to the trading of high slot prospect draft picks, as netting a higher pick gives a team better selection options on prospects, creating more value on ones farm team, etc.

Last but not least; Dion Phaneuf and Evgeni Malkin (and maybe Anze Kopitar). The first two players are prospects just exiting their contract situations who are all but guaranteed to be selected as a Franchise players. Kopitar is having a step-back in production this year, but has an outside shot of reaching this status as well.

So not only do prospects make up important contributors to FUNHL teams, they are occasionally THE important contributors.


  1. Whole-heartedly agree... Prospects have become an excellent future commodity that works far better as trade fodder than the disaster that was ED pick trading.

    While it can be frustrating not to have access to a player at the draft (except by trade), everyone has the same opportunity to "build the ranks" with future stars, and ultimately after the prospect contract runs out, only 24 players are ever unavailable long term as FPs.

    It would be interesting to analyze prospect drafts, and franchise success (ie Cup wins) and see if strong PrD drafts eventually parlay into Cup wins either by use of prospects, or trading of them to improve for a final push to the Cup.

    I think the prospect draft is one of the most underrated, and most important, parts of our pool year...

  2. I currently spend as much if not more time on my prospect draft preparation as I do on the draft itself.

    Has it paid off? I'd say so. Parise, Stastny, Horton, and a host of other ex-Heads draftees currently dot the landscape.

    I do have some massive epic fails on my resume too. I passed on Dion Phaneuf assuming he was the 2nd coming of Denis Gauthier...so I'd sure like that one back.

  3. Prospects are the new commodities and 1st/2nd rnd picks at the prd draft are the way to build teams or "fight the future" during a run. PRD drafting is essential.

    Though, while they maybe important, nothing beats astute drafting [see darrell], astute trading [see cam, dan or doug] and astute avoidance of angering the injury "gods" [see collin (Nabakov, Zubov etc) this year or even brian (his ED PICKS 1,2,3 AND 5 ALL with seasoon-ending injuries)]

    ED PICK trading was just boring...creating literal boom, bust cycles...

  4. But ED pick trading was still a load of fun ;-) ... and it did promote trading. I do think the current system is better though.

    My only wish is that there was more trade talk / activity from all 12 GMs. My viewepoint is that being 'overly cautious' = you won't win the cup' (unless your name is Darrell). But c'est la vie. Prospects are great - and I greatly value them along with picks and like Cam, I always think mine are better than everyone's elses (kidding-sort of), but I agree with Bob that the draft is key.


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