
Personal Vendetta vs Bladerunners Barn Burner

The H to H game of the week - at least from this author's perspective and probably GM Mann too ;-) - was looking pretty good for the Bladerunners after amassing a large lead during the first 3 days of the week, but the PV had a great Thursday night and have tied up the game (my stats indicate BR 29 and PV 28.5 thru Thur).

Hossa is outmatched by Datsyuk, Zetterberg and Lidstrom so we'll see how htings look after Friday night.

This exciting blog posting brought to you by the Nexux.

p.s. Darrell - what's the name of your building again?? was going to say Barnburner at the xxxxx but couldn't remember.

1 comment:

  1. Editor of the Nexus has been reprimanded by Editor of the Nexus for spelling errors in the article. Have had a few beers this evening while watching embarassing Flames game.


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