
Much Delayed Week 4 Stats

Again, sorry for the delay - it has been a very rough week at work and November looks like a nightmare. To cap it off my lovely daughter decided to go to town on her hair with a pair of scissors. No, this was not a little trim, rather think Sinead O'Conner. As soon-to-be President Obama would say, it was a "teaching moment" and when the shock finally wears off her horrified father, it will become a wedding day story I look forward to tell.

That said, congrats to the Vendetta for moving into first place. I have tried to correct a couple of mistakes from past weeks that I only just noticed but if your numbers differ from mine (Mr. Mann, please double check as I don't know if my quick review caught the problem you were noting) please let me know and, if possible, try and give me a detailed breakdown as that makes it easier to pin-point the potential problem.

Anyhow, tradelines - however strained - are open.


  1. Not really a delay sir - getting the previous week's stats out on a Monday is technically great! We've just gotten used to being spoiled with stats throughout the week. Sucks to be us when you are busy :-) Glad your daughter cut nothing more than her hair. Just wait till she starts experimenting with make-up!

  2. i have a personal vendetta against Mr.Mann now...

  3. I'm gunning for both of ya... and beating the Scourge in our head to head game would be helpful. Hey Chris, if I can't beat you in a trade (hint hint) then at least let me beat you on the ice! ;-)


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