

I have to say that I am disappointed in the reception that Rob, a long standing and loyal FUNHL GM, has received on his visit to Calgary. Rob lives in Nova Scotia and its likely he won't be here all that often or that his fellow GMs will visit him in Nova Scotia. If ANY one of you was in town from far away, I know that I would make the effort to see you. But hey, maybe its just me over-reacting and really, Rob ain't all that important. Its just a hockey pool right?


  1. Ironically, moving the draft to Sunday made it less likely for me to be in Calgary for the draft - I would probably have crashed at your place. Still, good to know you are in the province - hope the visit with your family went well.

  2. Indeed it is no reflection on Rob - moving the date to Sunday made my attendance impossible as I hva e flight to catch at noon. Had we stuck to Sat, I would have been there as usual...

  3. Unfortunately i forgot about the wife's christmass party at nakiska this weekend. I did email you guys about going for drinks but there were no replies :(



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