
Details on WD1

Hey guys,

Can I please get some concrete details posted about WD1 and how it's going to work. I know I will not be available for it if you are still planning for Nov 30.



  1. The last known info I have is that we were going with Sun, Nov 30 at 10am MST (or earlier if people want) as that is when Rob available during his trip to Calgary. Unfortunately, this seems bad for Doug and Collin to make it into town + tricky for Dan as he has a flight to catch in early afternoon + looks bad for Richard to be available at all.

    So... if on Sunday Nov 30, it appears Doug + Collin joining by MSN from Edmonton and Bob from ThBay. Rob and I are happy to get together with anybody that might be available... we can use my place or go wherever.

    Richard - if you have instruction, I'd be happy to help with your draft (and same to Dan if timing not good).

  2. p.s. Chris - have you ever met Rob?? You'll definitely have to do so - drinks on me for all present as we see if anyone can make a trade while under the influence ;-)

  3. IF substancially more GMs can attend in person on a Saturday then I will send in a list. But I know I can attend on the Sunday.

  4. Yes i will try my best to make it out. I dont want the BR collection services to come after my league fees :)

    p.s. oh crap... i can see it now..Chris how about this lw that is dead and a tasty beer for vanek and your first rd pick...I AM SCREWED...

  5. Personally if there is an option to move to Saturday that would be great. If not, I will find a way to make do, though a prompt 10am start will be key

  6. I wouldn't try to rearrange it for Saturday. You being in Calgary is an event Rob. I'm having a very busy life right now.


  7. Don't forget drops need to be announced (and final) ahead of the draft - I believe the Friday before at noon is the rule?

  8. Hey Chris - I offered you Giroux for Vanek in the off season as an opening offer and (understandably) that wasn't enough ... so I don't figure I can get away with getting Vanek for a beer ;-)

  9. yes but you didnt catch me after a few beers like bob does :)


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