
Lost Boys Make A Move Up The Standings

The season is early but the Lost Boys had a relatively good night and move up the standings into 5th. Not earth-shattering news but its always better to be in the top-half of the pool as opposed to the bottom half.

In completely self-interested news - M.Kiprusoff had a good night last night allowing only one goal for his best game of the season. If holding the high-octane Caps (of Ovechkin, Semin and Green fame) to a single tally is a sign that Kipper's annual October funk is coming to a close Flame fans, and Highlander fans, couldn't be happier.

As always, let me know if you spot any discrepancies and please, if you can, detail what you think I should be showing you as having as that may go a long way to getting the problem identified.

1 comment:

  1. Always brings a grin to see Doug cheering for Kipper ;-) Good song that they play on FAN 960 morning show anytime Kipper has a good game... "God gave us Miikka Kiprusoff..." Quite a catchy tune along with the Jarome, Jarome Iginla..." song.


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