
My votes

As it isn't clear to me what proposals are out there, here are my votes on what I undestand to be the proposals.

1 - Dan's Goaltending Proposal based on creating an average goaltending standard linked to last year's average center.

I am intrigued but vote against it as being too complicated for my little Pooh-brain to follow.

2 - Rob/Bob's Goaltending "Bandwith" proposal for setting the goaltending baseline.

I would vote in favour of this should we continue to use the current goaltending formula.

3 - Brian's 3-year terms for DC members proposal.

I would vote against this.

4 - Mike/Richard/Chris?'s proposal to make change the calculation of goalie stats from the current formula to one of 2pts for a W, 1pt for an OTL and 1pt for a SO.

I have found myself, with reservations, won over by the simplicity, certainty and equity of this proposal and will change my vote to support it for implimentation next season (2009-2010). I would vote against a change for this season.

5 - Richard/Bob?'s proposal to keep the current formula for goaltenders but to not include negative scores.

I would strongly vote against this statistician's nightmare.

I think that covers all the proposals I have seen out there. If there are others - let me know.


FYI, I have taken my stress pills and am feeling much more myself now. Please disregard my previous posted statement that I will not be doing stats next season. I will (though I can see occaisional delays in their posting do to my work committments). That said, should proposal #5, above, be adopted I will be resigning - not out of anger but out of fear :-)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't propose the 3 year terms (that was Rob)... I proposed a vote on whether or not DC should continue to decide the stats baseline.

    Good stuff re. staying on as stats guy Doug. Hey, I'll buy some of those stress pills off you if you have any extra!


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