
The Draft

Thanks again to Collin and his family for hosting the draft. Despite coordinating the feeding arrangements for almost a dozen people, technical issues involving people spread across the country, space issues and the omnipresence of a small child and gregarious dog, the draft was an unqualified success!

Great to see everyone again! Analysis to follow soon.



  1. Indeed, thanks again Collin for hosting.

    Great to see so many of you.

    Looking forward to a fun season.

  2. Thanks to Chris and Richard who joined me online and Cam who played host to us onliners. Doug and Dan, Thanks for your participations and comments as well. Certainly felt much more included this year.

  3. i dont think i can wait any longer for Cam's analysis... i am like a child on christmas morning disapointed by the lack of presents :(

    The online was much better than anticipated. I was pretty disapointed i couldnt attend in person but i think the online experience was almost as good. I liked that the majority of the pool was online and vocal.

    I was glad to keep Rob and Richard company and i will sit online next year live from the draft and keep anyone company next year as well.


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