

I'd like to ensure we have a Covenant that is current as per most recent rule changes and that each year the covenant is dated so we know it is most recent one. I 'think' that Doug and Bob were last guys to make some revisions. I'd be happy to go through covenant with a fine tooth comb to look for anything that might be confusing BUT I want to ensure I am looking at the correct covenant!!

So.. with that said, I'd like to ensure clarification re. rule changes. IF a rule change requires 12/12 for current year and 9/12 for following year then let's ensure that is clear in the covenant.

And... should we say that votes must be decided BEFORE the ED each season or is this just 'preferable'?? The concern I have with voting on ED day is 1) it just adds time to a long day as is and 2) it can lead to some bad feelings on ED day which is 'supposed' to be a fun day).


  1. I would recommend setting down some deadlines for voting etc as we don't want to bog down draft day unnecessarily. As for 9/12 vs 12/12 we need to clarify what the definitions are for current year etc.

    It is clear that any changes during a season ie after the ED require 12/12 as it should only be needed/used in the most obvious and critical of situations.

    We also have the precedent of 9/12 for any major rule changes in general.

    Where it seems to be fuzzy for everyone is in the offseason before the ED - what degree of consensus is required for a change to the immediately upcoming season (esp. close to the ED)?

    The case in point would be the prospect restrictions adopted a couple years ago which you posted on earlier - while the change impacted the upcoming season's ED/PrD, it was certainly a very reasonable objection that how GMs might have managed their trading of PrD picks the prior year may have been different had they known of this change, and raises the question of what changes for the upcoming season are of a nature that they have to be phased in next year unless we have a greater (12/12?) consensus to adopt it immediately.

    I think that is a key question to resolve asap...

  2. Yup, I think a key question to solve asap as well.


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