
How Many Goals In A Game Should There Be?

Turns out we aren't the only people asking that question.

Count me among those who think we are firmly on a trendline towards Russian Elite League level scoring unless something is done.

Also count me among those who thought that the following comments were especially insightful;

"The main challenge facing hockey is that playing defense has become too easy, so more and more teams have changed to playing a style that emphasizes defense."


"There is a myth that speed increases offense. All other things being equal, it has the opposite effect. This is more than just the change relative to skills. It's also a product of where along the distribution curve the changes have happened. The fastest players today aren't that much faster than the fastest players of two decades ago. The marginal player of today, though, could skate circles around the marginal player of yesteryear. Now, all you have to do is sort through your marginal players to find the ones who are willing to work their ass off and have the discipline to play a system, and you have yourself a line capable of playing solid defense."

Both are by JM Neal from Mirtle's comments section.

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