
GOALIE Proposal number 3

Bob, came up with this idea, and Doug modified the ranges. But this takes the pressure off the DC/RC for making the change based on their opinion.

Using the existing formula for Goaltender points calculation but the base GAA is determined by the previous season overall GAA.

4.50 - 4.9999 used 3.25
5.00 – 5.4999 use 3.50;
5.50 – 5.9999 use 3.75;
6.00 – 6.4999 use 4.00;
6.50 - 6.9999 use 4.25;

Even before the trade deadline of a season we are going to recognize if a shift is possible in base points for the next season


  1. Of all the proposals this is the only one that I think keeps the good of what we are doing intact while also managing to improve things.

    However - before I grant any endorsement of this proposal, I'd want to see retroactively how the adjustments would have looked for the top 12 goaltenders of a given season as the offense of the league dipped.

    I would then like to see a comparison between how goaltenders fared under this system vs the top 12 centremen. Afterall, if all the system does is lock into place an unfair advantage for goaltenders as undisputed most valuable position for all eternity - I probably am not too keen on it.

    I also object (mostly on principle) to using quarter measurements. Yes they are more accurate, but no they are not easy to do in your head.

    So call it qualified support for now, with the hope that some plucky GM with more calculator skills and free-time than myself will coduct the analysis.

  2. Rob, a point of clarification, you mean average GOALS PER GAME from the previous season when you speak about 5-5.5 etc., yes?

  3. We can still get negative points.

    Why do we have to compare goalies to centers? Are they not two different positions, with fewer goalies.

    And how are the point totals any better with this system, then the system I proposed?

    Cameron said...
    Of all the proposals this is the only one that I think keeps the good of what we are doing intact while also managing to improve things.

    What good are we doing exactly? Changing numbers every year is not doing any good, only sugar coating the problem. This does not improve things either.

    I worked out the numbers for the last 3 seasons using my system, the numbers look fair.

    Simple math.

    I am still opposed.

  4. This proposal does only tweek the existing system that has been used for the last 15 years. This is the first time I have heard the disgruntlement with the current system. Maybe drafting a better goalie earlier in the draft might solve your negative points issue.

    Doug would you be able to look at last years stats and list the number of times goalies had negative weeks.


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