
:-( Won't be making it out West

Hi all,

After some discussion with Bob last night about possible options for September, I won't be able to go out West for the Draft. Plane fares are just too much, and there are other planned trips I need to save for.

So, the Lost Boys will be calling it in. (But still wearing our awesome authentic Lost Boys Jersey)


(And damn you Jagr with your millions-of-rubles contract! Cam is now drafting an FP...)


  1. Will you and Bob still be getting together?

  2. While it is always dissapointing when you cannot attend in person, I have got use to it. I will at least have company online this year besides the host which does make the time pass better

  3. I am game for visiting Nova Scotia to do the ED.. were you proposing this for next year Rob?

    Richard - sorry of course that you can't make it. Sounds like Bob still planning on travelling out west, and Bob - you are still welcome to stay at my place.


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