

It would seem that as part of the Karmic bargain for my soul, I must lose Jagr a year early to balance out my winning the lottery.

About these things one can only argue with the hockey gods. So be it.

So what happens next?

If Jagr had left next year instead of this year, the clock on Malkin's contract would have just run out and a match in the first round would make him the replacement FP. Neat and tidy. Now it is anything but.

Here are the options I have as I see them, all of which take place after the perfunctory bids for Crosby services are matched by the Highlanders (I have to at least try).

1. Trade for a new FP.

The appeal to this is obvious because replacing an FP costs the value of a 1st for a 9th rnd pick, so a trade that nets even a moderately productive FP (say Elias) is sensible as the payback comes in the form of not taking the hit on my first rounder and then proceeding as scheduled with the FP replacement next season. The downside is that to move from Jagr to a moderate FP would likely cost me something, and I suspect from conversations so far that that cost would be something I am going to miss (say my RFA Zherdev taking Jagr's spot on the first line)

2. Simply draft Malkin this year.

This would make some sense if I were sitting with pick 9, but wasting the first pick overall on a guy who is already on my roster? Not going to happen - I'd rather take the hit and draft an FP two years running.

3. Draft Lecavalier.

This makes the most sense right now. Lecavalier fits the FP profile (being the 1st forward in his draft year), and is still just entering his prime years. He also fits some of the teams prejudices in that he's a better goal scorer than setup artist, he's a winner, and he's tough enough to drop and throw with Iginla. He also has fear-my-wingspan. Which we like. A lot.

4. Draft Nabokov.

This makes sense if the scoring stays at 4.0 and Nabokov is a 130 pt goaltender - But it won't and instead he'll be a 110 point goaltender. Which is good and all, but its only been one season of wonder from Nabokov, and history has not been kind to goaltender FPs with slim resumes.

5. Other. Datsyuk? (tactically so Darrell doesn't get him and match him up with Lidstrom and Zetterberg again - before you suggest this, consider that it leaves him Lecavalier to take instead), Gonchar (the argument being he gets turfed or traded next year and he brings back the offensive presence/linkage with Malkin). Sundin? (Unlikely, but if he were to land in Detroit or Pittsburgh he would move back into consideration), etc.

What should the Severed Heads do about Jagr leaving for Russia?
Trade for someone else's trash FP and suck it up.

Insert shotgun into mouth, select Malkin with first overall pick, pull trigger with big toe.

Make Vincent Lecavalier an FP. Finally.

Go to the darkside and make Nabokov an FP goaltender

Take Datsyuk (or whoever) just so I can look Darrell in the eye and laugh when he has to take Lecavalier
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1 comment:

  1. You should just trade Malkin to me so I can do the worrying.


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