

By now you will no doubt be aware that Calgary has signed Todd Bertuzzi to a one year $1.95M contract.

Sports radio programs, face-book pages, etc. are all a-twitter about this being a sign of the apocalypse.

To them all I say 'calm the f*ck down'.

First lets remember what this was all about. Once upon a time a gutless puke and marginal hockey talent Steve Moore drove Markus Naslund head-first into the boards injuring him badly. About this incident, everybody (at least in Vancouver) was totally pissed. So sure enough the coach hypes it up in the locker room, and in the follow up game, the pesty Cooke even gets the chance to trade shots with Moore in a what amounted to a fair enough tilt, but not the cathartic beating Canucks fans were hoping for.

Enter Bertuzzi - Naslund's best friend.

Now when I think about this I put myself in Bertuzzi's shoes and picture one of my friends motionless on the ice as a result of a hit from behind - and I ask myself, 'would I clock the villain from behind'?

You bet I would. And I'd have ridden him face-first into the ice too.

Will he help the Flames? Yes. His days of 30-30-60, 150 are now gone, but he can be a very useful player. Is he overpaid? Nope.

So all in all, I like the deal.


  1. My intial reaction was "damn, I don't want that a-hole on our team" and "Sutter - pretty classless of you man" but on further thought, all in all not a bad deal for a guy who definitely stil has some good skills.

  2. Where do I start? Nah, let's just keep it simple.

    Bertuzzi belongs in jail. Simple as that. Do I want to see someone I believe deserves to be in jail play for the Flames? Not at all. Will I still cheer for the flames? Of course. Will I go to games with a sign expressing my opinion on Bertuzzi? Absolutely.

    Do I think Steve Moore's hit on Naslund (and countless others like it) can be described as cheap? Sure. Do any of them merit premditated, team-sanctioned, gutless cowardly revenge? No.

    I don't care if Bertuzzi is the missing ingredient to bring the Flames the Cup - he should be wearing a number on the front of his shirt like any other inmate...

    'Nuff said


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