
The ultimate hockey girlfriend

Found this exerpt in an article in the Globe

Little-known fact: Although he's Canadian, Jason Reitman's interest in hockey came from his wife, Michele Lee, who is from Vancouver and is a rabid hockey fan. Reitman has said that the only way he could get her to date him was to become interested in hockey, and the first gift he gave her was a white board like hockey coaches use, and she showed him the different plays while they watched the game on TV.


Although is your wife knowing more about hockey than yourself good or bad? Certainly cannot be too bad as you get to watch lots of hockey. Might be hard to explain to the guys though if she always does better in the pools or bar room bets.

1 comment:

  1. My wife is the best Halo player I've come across. If she were to suddenly become dominant about hockey as well I would have to donate my testicles to science... 'like new'.


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