
Week 15 Ends With Bladerunners Holding Small Lead

By the end of the week there was little change atop the Predator Cup standings with three points separating the Bladerunners, Highlanders and Severed Heads. The Wolves move into 4th place and remain almost 20pts back of the leader. The Personal Vendetta and Ramapithicines are passed by the Wolves this week and drop a little further back of the lead group but are still very much in the hunt while the Shadowmen and Lost Boys similarly lose some ground on the lead pack and now sit almost 40pts behind first place. This makes for eight teams all with more than 500pts so far. At the bottom of the table, the Knights Templar are now only 7pts behind the Great Whites.

The Challenge Cup playoff picture is getting clearer - pretty much everyone still has a shot. The Highlanders continue to lead the standings but the other teams in the playoff slots all lost while the three teams just behind them all won. The race is still very much on. At the bottom, the Knights Templar finished their season sweep of the Great Whites and pull out of last place on the basis of the tie-breaker.

The Wolves have slipped into first place in the Omnivore standings. Note that I have not reviewed the baselines since last week so with the race so close it is possible that some positions are off. I hope to get a chance to review the baseline again later this week.

Until then, trade lines are open.


  1. Doug you have the KT with 38.5 for the week in the Predator Cup race, but 43 pts for the Challenge Cup.

    Both scores are good enough to beat the Fish, but shouldn't they be limited to one score?

    Dan pointed this out for the week prior as well, so methinks you may have a bug in your Challenge Cup calculations.

  2. I knew it, I knew it. Something definitely had to be wacko when the Bladerunners aren't in the H to H playoff picture. I look forward to Doug adding all kinds of wins to my team ;-)

  3. Hi Guys,

    Yup, I had Mike playing 4 tgs and two players (including at least one who is no longer on the team) for pts and +/-. I also saw that I had him playing 4tgs the week before. All corrected now and neither correction affects any Challenge Cup results.

    Now if work would stop interrupting my pooling...


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